Tag Archives: pressure washing

Understanding Pressure Washing Estimates

pressure washingYou can either do a DIY job or hire someone to do it for you. You should understand the pressure washing costs to prepare your budget properly. We will describe the typical costs of a pressure washing project and explain why pressure washing professionals charge what they do.

How to calculate pressure washing costs

You will pressure wash your house or any other property you own at some point. Over time, dirt and grime can build up on your patio, driveway, siding and other surfaces. We all know how difficult it is to keep these areas clean. This is where pressure washing services can be useful.

The cost of pressure washing houses is the most important factor to consider when comparing different pressure cleaning companies. How much am I willing to pay for this service? Why do they charge in this manner? Understanding pressure washing quotes is all about breaking them down. Quotes are based on several factors.

Read More Understanding Pressure Washing Estimates

Common Questions for Homeowners on House Pressure Washing

pressure washing questionsA little pressure washing can be beneficial for homeowners. This is not only a cost-effective and easy way to clean a home’s exterior, but also incredibly effective. If you are still unsure about pressure washing, read on to learn more.

Ask Us Anything About House Pressure Washing

It is important to take care of your home. For many people, it’s the largest investment they will ever make. It makes sense, therefore, to keep your home clean and comfortable. A clean home not only promotes a higher quality of living, but also protects property values and curb appeal. Pressure washing your home is an excellent way to maintain its appearance and condition.

Read More Common Questions for Homeowners on House Pressure Washing

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Pressure Washing Yourself

pressure washingPressure washing is a popular method for effectively cleaning residential and commercial properties. However, if you take a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to save money, you may make several pressure washing mistakes. Here are some crucial errors to avoid:

Pressure Washing Mistakes To Avoid

Lack of Protection:

Neglecting to protect yourself while pressure washing can lead to serious injuries. The high-pressure water can cause severe wounds and infections. Always wear protective gear, including goggles and boots. Additionally, protect your surroundings by moving furniture and debris away from the cleaning area. Cover any nearby vegetation to prevent damage from detergents and cleansers.

Read More Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Pressure Washing Yourself

What To Know About Pressure Washing Your AC

Can you pressure wash a unit of air conditioning? Many people, particularly homeowners, have this question. The air conditioning units are a great source of comfort during the summer. AC units, too, can become dirty over time. Cleaning and maintaining an AC unit properly can extend its lifespan. However, not everyone prefers pressure washing.

Why Pressure Washing Your AC Unit Is A Must

Most households use air conditioners because they offer many benefits. Air conditioners cool down the temperature inside buildings and homes, making occupants feel comfortable during hot days. Air conditioners also improve indoor air quality and reduce pests. They also control humidity. In addition, people are more productive and sleep better in a cooler environment.

Read More What To Know About Pressure Washing Your AC

Experience the Advantages of Exterior House Cleaning

With the arrival of warmer weather and longer days, it is time to embrace the idea of summer cleaning. After being cooped up indoors throughout the winter, the desire to let fresh air into our homes becomes irresistible. While summer cleaning traditionally focuses on tidying up the interior, it’s essential not to overlook the exterior of your home. Giving your house a thorough exterior cleaning can have a significant impact on its appearance and ambiance.

Explore compelling reasons why exterior house cleaning is importance:

Read More Experience the Advantages of Exterior House Cleaning

Common Errors To Avoid in DIY Pressure Washing

pressure washingIt is a great way to clean both residential and commercial property. To save money, you may try to do it yourself. This can lead to many pressure washing mistakes.

It is a cleaning method that uses high pressure water to blast dirt, dust and debris away. Many people, both residential and commercial property owner, prefer this method of cleaning. But pressure washing isn’t easy. Although it may seem easy to do, you could make a few mistakes.

These are the most common mistakes you can make when pressure washing your home.

Read More Common Errors To Avoid in DIY Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing Your Driveway and Walkway

Pressure WashingClean and well-maintained driveways and walkways can add value and beauty to a home or business. Pressure washing is a great way to maintain these outdoor surfaces. It can make them look better, last for longer, and retain their value. This blog will cover some of the benefits that come with pressure washing your driveway or walkway.

Cleans Various Surfaces

It is possible to clean many surfaces with pressure washing. Pressure washing services use high-pressure water and cleaning agents to remove dirt and grime that has accumulated over time. This will not only make your driveway or walkway look nicer but also keep them safe to use.

Read More Pressure Washing Your Driveway and Walkway

Pressure Washing Tips For A Brick House

Pressure washingCan you pressure-wash bricks? Does pressure washing work for brick surfaces? Take a closer inspection.

Is it OK to pressure wash a brick house?

Brick is used for many commercial and residential properties. Brick can be used to enhance the look of a building. It is also more durable than other materials. As with any other material, bricks require regular cleaning and maintenance in order to remain durable. Brick walls can become contaminated with all kinds of pollutants over time. From dirt to grime, oil stains to algae. When it comes to cleaning brick walls, most people immediately think about pressure washing.

You can certainly use a power washer. The real question is whether you should. Should you pressure-wash a brick home?

Different materials respond differently to pressure cleaning. Not all materials are able to withstand pressure washing, which uses high-pressure water jets to blast dirt and debris away. Glass is fragile and cannot be cleaned with a high-pressure washer. What about bricks? Does it make sense to pressure-wash brick?

In general, yes. Cleaning bricks with pressure washing is effective and efficient. It is not impervious to high pressure levels. Brick is not as durable as concrete and cannot withstand high pressure. This is true especially for older brick houses that are not in the best shape.

Read More Pressure Washing Tips For A Brick House

Pressure Washing Tips: Why Wash The Exterior of your House.

pressure washingThe exterior of the home is often overlooked when it comes to maintaining a beautiful interior. External home cleaning is something that many people do only when they have extra money. Cleaning the exteriors of homes should be part and parcel of homeowner’s maintenance. We’ll examine the reasons for external house cleaning in this guide. In a minute, we’ll see why hiring a pressure washing professional to do exterior house cleaning is better than trying to do it yourself.

Pressure Washing your house exterior: Why you need to do it

You need to clean the exterior of your house so it can perform as it should. Protect you and your family against outside elements:  your home’s sidings, roofs, eaves, and awnings from all kinds of weather conditions. You will quickly realize the importance of home exterior cleaning. As your home is exposed to the weather and sun for many years, you will need to do more exterior cleaning.

Read More Pressure Washing Tips: Why Wash The Exterior of your House.

How to Clean a Pool Deck

pool deck cleaningAny property must have a clean pool deck! Pressure washing is one of the best ways to maintain this part of your home. If you neglect to clean your pool deck, it can lead to premature degradation of deck materials and unsafe walking surfaces. The pool decks can also contain chlorine residues that cause unpleasant odors and sand, silt, and storm debris. These particles then end up in the water, overworking filters and creating unhygienic swimming conditions.

For wood and concrete decks, use oxygenated bleach and not chlorine, or dilute vinegar to kill algae and moss around the pool. For decks that are particularly dirty, add dishwashing detergent, or use pressure washers to clean the pits and pores in stone, concrete, and brick.

It’s important to consider not only the cleaners and solutions for your pool deck but also the tools and techniques that are best for each material. For example, a harsh scrubbing could damage softwood. However, a firm brush with a little elbow grease is usually needed to clean paver stones or concrete.

Consider this pool deck guide before you risk damaging your deck by using the wrong tools and cleaners. Power washing contractors can help you with your exterior cleaning requirements.

Read More How to Clean a Pool Deck