Tag Archives: pressure washing service

Why Should I Hire a Professional for Pressure Washing My Deck?

Decks are great outdoor spaces to relax and enhance the functionality of your home’s exterior. However, a dirty deck can be unattractive and distracting when you’re trying to enjoy time with friends and family. That’s why you need to hire a pressure washing service.

Over time, decks can be affected by weather and usage, regardless of the materials used, such as wood, concrete, PVC, or composite decking.

Depending on various factors like climate, location, materials, and frequency of use, it may be necessary to pressure wash your deck as part of regular maintenance.

While it’s common to consider doing it yourself as the weather improves for outdoor activities, hiring a professional pressure washing company is often the better choice for several reasons.

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Why Summer Is The Best Time To Get Pressure Washing Service

pressure washingAs the sun shines brighter and summer arrives, it’s the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your home and deck by investing in a professional pressure washing service.

The winter and spring months can take a toll on the exterior surfaces of your property, but now is the time to restore their brilliance and ensure they look their best. Let’s explore why summer is the ideal season for a high-quality pressure washing for your home’s exterior.

Ideal Weather Conditions
Summer offers longer days and drier weather, granting you ample time to tackle outdoor projects. With extended daylight hours, you can efficiently complete larger pressure washing jobs in a single day. Unlike other seasons, you won’t have to worry about unpredictable showers or falling leaves undoing your hard work. Take advantage of the favorable weather to enhance the appearance of your home.

Read More Why Summer Is The Best Time To Get Pressure Washing Service

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Pressure Washing Yourself

pressure washingPressure washing is a popular method for effectively cleaning residential and commercial properties. However, if you take a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to save money, you may make several pressure washing mistakes. Here are some crucial errors to avoid:

Pressure Washing Mistakes To Avoid

Lack of Protection:

Neglecting to protect yourself while pressure washing can lead to serious injuries. The high-pressure water can cause severe wounds and infections. Always wear protective gear, including goggles and boots. Additionally, protect your surroundings by moving furniture and debris away from the cleaning area. Cover any nearby vegetation to prevent damage from detergents and cleansers.

Read More Common Mistakes to Avoid When Doing Pressure Washing Yourself

Pressure Washing Tips For A Brick House

Pressure washingCan you pressure-wash bricks? Does pressure washing work for brick surfaces? Take a closer inspection.

Is it OK to pressure wash a brick house?

Brick is used for many commercial and residential properties. Brick can be used to enhance the look of a building. It is also more durable than other materials. As with any other material, bricks require regular cleaning and maintenance in order to remain durable. Brick walls can become contaminated with all kinds of pollutants over time. From dirt to grime, oil stains to algae. When it comes to cleaning brick walls, most people immediately think about pressure washing.

You can certainly use a power washer. The real question is whether you should. Should you pressure-wash a brick home?

Different materials respond differently to pressure cleaning. Not all materials are able to withstand pressure washing, which uses high-pressure water jets to blast dirt and debris away. Glass is fragile and cannot be cleaned with a high-pressure washer. What about bricks? Does it make sense to pressure-wash brick?

In general, yes. Cleaning bricks with pressure washing is effective and efficient. It is not impervious to high pressure levels. Brick is not as durable as concrete and cannot withstand high pressure. This is true especially for older brick houses that are not in the best shape.

Read More Pressure Washing Tips For A Brick House